Vintage Apple Documentation Archive
This page links to PDF downloads of Apple user manuals, service manuals (also known as Service Source), and developer notes for 68k and PowerPC-based Macintosh computers, as well as other Apple products and accessories.
If you're looking for Macintosh schematics, see here.
Something missing? Contact me at and I'll see if I can find it.
Note: I am not yet finished adding user manuals and developer notes to this page. Many are missing right now.
Compact Macs
Macintosh II Series
Macintosh LC Series
Quadra Series
Centris Series
Power Macintosh
Performa Service Manuals
- Performa 200
- Performa 275
- Performa 400, 410, 430, 450, 460, 466, 467, 475, 476
- Performa 550, 560, 575, 577, 578
- Performa 580CD
- Performa 600
- Performa 630, 630CD, 631CD, 635CD, 636, 637CD, 638CD
- Performa 5200CD, 5215CD, 5300CD, International Performa 5320CD
- International Performas 5260, 5280
- International Performas 5400, 5420
- Performa 6110CD, 6112CD, 6115CD, 6116CD, 6117CD, 6118CD
- Performa 6200, 6205CD, 6214CD, 6216CD, 6218CD, 6220CD, 6230CD, 6290, 6300CD, 6320, 6320CD, 6360
- Performa 6400, International Performa 6410, 6420
iMac Service Manuals
eMac Service Manuals
Mac Mini Service Manuals
Server Service Manuals
Mac Portable & PowerBooks
- Macintosh Portable - Service Manual
- PowerBook 100 - User Manual | Service Manual | Developer Note
- PowerBook 140 - User Manual | Service Manual | Developer Note
- PowerBook 145 - User Manual | Service Manual | Developer Note
- PowerBook 145B - User Manual | Service Manual | Developer Note
- PowerBook 150 - User Manual | Service Manual | Developer Note
- PowerBook 160 - User Manual | Service Manual | Developer Note
- PowerBook 165 - User Manual | Service Manual | Developer Note
- PowerBook 165c - User Manual | Service Manual | Developer Note
- PowerBook 180 - User Manual | Service Manual | Developer Note
- PowerBook 180c - User Manual | Service Manual | Developer Note
- PowerBook Duo 210 - User Manual | Service Manual | Developer Note
- PowerBook Duo 230 - User Manual | Service Manual | Developer Note
- PowerBook Duo 250 - User Manual | Service Manual | Developer Note
- PowerBook Duo 270c - User Manual | Service Manual | Developer Note
- PowerBook Duo 280 - User Manual | Service Manual | Developer Note
- PowerBook Duo 280c - User Manual | Service Manual | Developer Note
- PowerBook Duo 2300c - User Manual | Service Manual | Developer Note
- PowerBook Duo Dock - User Manual | Service Manual | Developer Note
- PowerBook Duo Dock Plus - User Manual | Service Manual | Developer Note
- PowerBook Duo Dock II - User Manual | Service Manual | Developer Note
- PowerBook Duo MiniDock - User Manual | Service Manual | Developer Note
- PowerBook 520, 520c, 540, 540c - User Manual | Service Manual | Developer Note
- PowerBook 550c - Service Manual
- PowerBook 190, 190cs - User Manual | Service Manual | Developer Note
- PowerBook 5300, 5300cs, 5300c, 5300ce - User Manual | Service Manual | Developer Note
- PowerBook 190/5300 Repair Extension Authorization Program Manual
- PowerBook 1400cs, 1400c - User Manual | Service Manual | Developer Note | Developer Note (166MHz models)
- PowerBook 3400c - User Manual | Service Manual | Developer Note
- PowerBook 2400c - User Manual | Service Manual | Developer Note
- PowerBook G3 "Kanga" - User Manual | Service Manual | Developer Note
- PowerBook G3 Series (Wallstreet) - Service Manual
- PowerBook G3 "Bronze Keyboard" (Lombard) - Service Manual
- PowerBook G3 "FireWire" (Pismo) - Service Manual
- PowerBook G4 "Titanium" (Original, 400 & 500MHz) - Service Manual
- PowerBook G4 "Titanium" (Gigabit Ethernet, 550 & 667MHz) - Service Manual
- PowerBook G4 "Titanium" (DVI, 667 & 800MHz) - Service Manual
- PowerBook G4 "Titanium" (867MHz & 1.0GHz) - Service Manual
- PowerBook G4 12" (867MHz, 1.0GHz DVI) - Service Manual
- PowerBook G4 12" (1.33GHz) - Service Manual
- PowerBook G4 12" (1.5GHz, 2005) - Service Manual
- PowerBook G4 15" (Aluminum 1.0GHz, 1.25GHz, 1.33GHz, 1.5GHz) - Service Manual
- PowerBook G4 15" (1.5GHz w/ backlit keyboard, 1.67GHz) - Service Manual
- PowerBook G4 15" (1.67GHz DLSD) - Service Manual
- PowerBook G4 17" (1.0GHz Original) - Service Manual
- PowerBook G4 17" (1.33GHz, 1.5GHz, 1.67GHz, 1.67GHz DLSD) - Service Manual
iBook Service Manuals
- iBook Clamshell (All Models)
- iBook G3 "Snow" 12" (Original, Dual USB, 500MHz)
- iBook G3 "Snow" 12" (Late 2001)
- iBook G3 "Snow" 12" (16MB VRAM)
- iBook G3 "Snow" 12" (Opaque 16MB VRAM, 32MB VRAM, & 32MB VRAM 800/900MHz)
- iBook G3 "Snow" 14" (Original, 600MHz)
- iBook G3 "Snow" 14" (16MB VRAM, 32MB VRAM & 32MB 900MHz)
- iBook G4 12" (Original, 800MHz & Early 2004, 1.0GHz)
- iBook G4 12" (Late 2004, 1.2GHz)
- iBook G4 12" (Mid 2005, 1.33GHz)
- iBook G4 14" (Original, 933MHz or 1.0GHz)
- iBook G4 14" (Early 2004, 1.0 or 1.2GHz) - UNABLE TO LOCATE ONLINE
- iBook G4 14" (Late 2004, 1.33GHz)
- iBook G4 14" (Mid 2005, 1.42GHz)
Display Service Manuals
- AppleColor High-Resolution RGB
- Apple High-Resolution Monochrome
- Apple Two-Page Monochrome
- Macintosh Portrait Display
- Macintosh 12-inch RGB
- Macintosh 12-inch Monochrome
- Macintosh 16-inch Color
- Macintosh 21-inch Color
- Apple Performa Plus Display
- Macintosh Color Display
- Apple Basic Color Monitor
- AudioVision 14 Display
- Apple Color Plus 14-inch Display
- Multiple Scan 17
- Multiple Scan 20
- Multiple Scan 15
- Multiple Scan 14
- Multiple Scan 1705
- AppleVision 1710, 1710AV
- Multiple Scan 15AV
- AppleVision 850, 850AV/ColorSync 20-inch
- AppleVision 750, 750AV/ColorSync 17-inch
- Multiple Scan 720
- Apple Studio Display 15-inch (LCD, Original)
- Apple Studio Display (17-inch CRT)
- Apple Studio Display (21-inch CRT)
- Apple Cinema Display
- Apple Studio Display (15-inch LCD, December 1999, Graphite/DVI)
- Apple Studio Display (15-inch LCD, ADC, 2000)
- Apple Studio Display (17-inch CRT, ADC)
- Apple Studio Display (17-inch LCD, ADC)
- Apple Cinema HD Display
- Apple Cinema Display (20-inch)
- Cinema Display (20-inch DVI) (MANUAL IS IN JAPANESE)
- Cinema Display (23-inch DVI)
- Cinema Display (30-inch DVI) - CANNOT FIND ONLINE
- Cinema Display (20-inch DVI, Late 2005) - CANNOT FIND ONLINE
- Cinema Display (23-inch DVI, Late 2005) - CANNOT FIND ONLINE
- Cinema Display (30-inch DVI, Late 2005) - CANNOT FIND ONLINE
Printer Service Manuals
Scanner Service Manuals
Other Device Service Manuals
- Apple Newton MessagePad 100, 110, 120, 130
- Apple Newton MessagePad 2000, 2100
- Apple eMate 300
- Apple ADB Keyboards
- Apple TV/FM Radio System
- AppleDesign Powered Speakers
- Communications Cards
- PowerPC 601 Upgrade Card for Quadra 605, LC 475, 575, 630, Performa 475, 476, 575, 577, 578, 630, 630CD, 635CD, 636, 638CD
- PowerPC 601 Upgrade Card for 040 Macs with a PDS Slot
- PC Compatibility Cards
- Spectrum 16/SCSI/Sound Card
- Video Cards
- Hard Drives
- QuickTime Conferencing Kit/ISDN Kit
- Apple 3.5" Drive
- Apple 400K Drive
- Apple 800K Drive
- Apple 1.44MB Drive (SuperDrive)
- Apple HDI-20 1.44MB Drive
- Apple External Hard Drive SC
- Apple Hard Disk 20
- Apple PC 5.25" Drive
- Apple PowerCD
- Apple Tape Backup 40SC
- AppleCD SC, SC Plus
- AppleCD 150/300
- AppleCD 300e Plus, 600e
- Apple QuickTake 100
- Apple QuickTake 150
- Apple QuickTake 200
Page last updated (MM/DD/YYYY): 03/19/2025
Update Reason: added more powerbook documentation
Index < Repair Portal < Service Source Downloads