Vintage Apple Documentation Archive

Vintage Apple Documentation Archive

This page links to PDF downloads of Apple user manuals, service manuals (also known as Service Source), and developer notes for 68k and PowerPC-based Macintosh computers, as well as other Apple products and accessories.

If you're looking for Macintosh schematics, see here.

Something missing? Contact me at and I'll see if I can find it.

Note: I am not yet finished adding user manuals and developer notes to this page. Many are missing right now.

Compact Macs

Macintosh II Series

Macintosh LC Series

Quadra Series

Centris Series

Power Macintosh

Performa Service Manuals

iMac Service Manuals

eMac Service Manuals

Mac Mini Service Manuals

Server Service Manuals

Mac Portable & PowerBooks

iBook Service Manuals

Display Service Manuals

Printer Service Manuals

Scanner Service Manuals

Other Device Service Manuals

Page last updated (MM/DD/YYYY): 03/19/2025
Update Reason: added more powerbook documentation


Index < Repair Portal < Service Source Downloads