The Green760 and Green790 were not sold as generic laptops that anyone could buy. They were exclusive to Micron and NEC, who sold them as the TransPort Trek 2 and Ready 440T respectively. The Microns are very common machines and show up for sale all the time. The NEC version is more uncommon but isn't really special in any way aside from the branding.
The original revision of this laptop released in late 1998.
The G760 and G790 names come only from markings on the motherboards from these laptops. They went under numerous revisions, and I don't know which Alpha-Top internal name corresponds to which laptop revision. The earliest units used MMC1 Pentium II processors with Trident graphics, middle revisions used MMC2 Pentium IIs with ATI graphics, and the last revision supported MMC2 Pentium IIIs and used S3 graphics. NEC only sold the original revision while Micron sold all four.
Full specsheets are available on the Micron and NEC pages.
The plastic used on these laptops has gone brittle with age. The majority of the ones I see on eBay show signs of plastic failure near the display hinges (look out for any gaps in the plastic). Epoxy will be required to keep one intact.
First off, probably 90% of these that I see up for sale are missing the battery cover. You're lucky if yours isn't missing.
These did use a proprietary adapter board to plug hard drives in, so be wary of buying one that's missing the hard drive unless the seller explicitely states that the hard drive adapter is included. This is especially an issue with the Trek 2s, because Micron's largest market was always the government sector - meaning a good number of them that show up for sale are missing the hard drive.
Image from Chris Logan.
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