MacDat - Capacitor Reference Library

Capacitor Reference - PowerBook 100

Any PowerBook 100 must be fully recapped.

The display capacitors on this model are frequently replaced with ceramic capacitors. These may work, but have been shown to result in drifting contrast on certain LCD displays. This is caused by ceramic capacitors' characteristic where the capacitance varies based on voltage load. As such, I would recommend replacing them with tantalum caps instead.

The PowerBook 100's logic board uses a varnish that becomes sticky when exposed to Isopropyl alcohol. Keep this in mind during cleaning. To avoid this issue, you can get all of the varnish off with a LOT of IPA, or use a different method to clean the board. You could also just leave it sticky, but that does make working on it rather frustrating. Remember to clean off the cap goo via some method though! IPA will work, it just makes things a pain.

Reference Values

Logic Board

Value Count Type
330uf 16v 1 Radial Electrolytic
220uf 25v 1 Radial Electrolytic
100uf 10v 3 Radial Electrolytic
47uf 35v 1 Radial Electrolytic
47uf 16v 5 Surface-Mount Electrolytic
10uf 16v 5 Surface-Mount Electrolytic
4.7uf 50v 1 Surface-Mount Electrolytic
1uf 50v 5 Surface-Mount Electrolytic

CPU Daughtercard

Value Count Type
10uf 16v 1 Surface-Mount Electrolytic

LCD (Sharp LM64P791)

Value Count Type
3.3uf 35v 8 Low Profile Surface-Mount Electrolytic

Backlight Inverter Board

Value Count Type
47uf 16v 1 Radial Electrolytic
15uf 16v 1 Radial Polymer


Value Count Type
10uf 16v 1 Radial Electrolytic
0.22uf 50v 1 Radial Electrolytic

Reference Photos

Logic Board

logic board reference photo

CPU Daughtercard

cpu board reference photo


lcd reference photo


inverter board reference photo


trackball board reference photo

Page last updated (MM/DD/YYYY): 09/27/2024
Update Reason: formatting updated


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