Nan Tan FMA8100 Home

The FMA8100 is a very large 386 luggable-style laptop, similar in size to a Toshiba T3200 from what I'm able to tell. This laptop uses many desktop-standard parts internally, including the hard drive, floppy drive, CPU, RAM, and more. It's got a handle on the front and weighs a ton. The keyboard is also desktop-style, and uses mechanical Cherry Blue clicky switches. It has a pretty strange layout unfortunately.

The FMA8100 has an internal expansion bay in the back right side, which has a standard 8-bit ISA card. This in theory means that you could add something like an Ad Lib card to one of these, which is pretty cool.

If you are thinking of buying one, make sure it comes with the power supply. It uses an 8-pin mini-din connector, so you can't just use something modern without knowing the pinout of the original. I have one of these, and got it without the power supply. I was lucky enough to find the PSU for sale on eBay, but I got lucky. It might be a while before another shows up for sale. The model number of the PSU is KTX-8912A.

This laptop was sold as the Dataworld LP320/LP325, and I've also seem them sold by Highscreen (European brand from the looks) in a gray case.

These had an internal NiCad battery that was not easily removable. I believe it was located inside of the large metal DC/DC module, but my unit had it missing.

The BIOS does not support any sort of autodetect or user type selection for the hard drive. However, you can install large drives using an overlay software such as Ez-Drive. I was able to use a 6GB hard drive in my own unit using this software.


Page last updated (MM/DD/YYYY): 04/21/2024
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