PowerBook 190/5300 Series Home

The PowerBook 5300 series was introduced in 1995 as the first PowerBooks with PowerPC processors. Alongside it, the 190 series was also introduced. These laptops shared the same design and most of the features of the 5300, but had 68LC040 processors instead. This is why the 190 series is found under this section on the site, rather than on the 100 series page. It was architecturally similar to the 500 series, had the design of the 5300 series, and the name of a 100 series. Confusing!

The entire 190/5300 series was criticized on launch for various reasons. The main complaints were that the design was boring for many, build quality and reliability were poor, the 5300s wasn't very fast, and they couldn't fit an internal CD-ROM drive.

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