Jetta Jetbook 486SLC & C2 Series

These laptops already have a page/section on the site, under their WinBook branded versions. That page is available here.

For this page, I'll go into any differences I've seen between the Jetta branded versions and the WinBook branded versions. The following info assumes that you've already read through the WinBook pages.

I honestly don't have a clue whether Jetta designed these in-house and then WinBook came along and used the design, or if WinBook designed them and then contracted out Jetta to make them. I don't think I'll ever know. What I do know is that at some point, Jetta did license out the design to other companies. I saw one show up on eBay when I first started researching these branded as an Eagle, but I didn't archive the listing at the time so now that's gone.

The only Jetbook branded version of these I've seen is the SLC variant, specifically model 486SLC-33. As far as I know, WinBook never made a 33MHz SLC WinBook. However, the processor in my own WinBook SLC-25 unit is marked as a 33MHz part, indicating that it may have been downclocked for whatever reason on WinBook's request. Some marketing materials I've seen for the WinBook variant even call it a 33MHz unit, but I've never seen any mention online of a 33MHz WinBook-branded version beyond that.

I'm sure that the later C2SX model laptops existed with Jetbook branding, as Jetta had drivers for these up on their website. I just haven't seen one show up for sale anywhere yet.

Overall, the Jetbook branded version of these laptops appears to be more rare than the WinBook branded version, but the difference appears to be branding only, and maybe slightly faster clocks.

That's all here. If you'd like more detailed info on these laptops and their specs, faults, drivers, and more images, all of that is up on the link above to the WinBook section of the site.


Here's a print ad from Solartech advertising a "Slimnote" which is clearly a Jetbook.

Page last updated (MM/DD/YYYY): 01/01/2025
Update Reason: print ad added


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