Jetta Jetbook 655

Jetta Jetbook 655

The Jetbook 655 was a compact MMX laptop released in either late 1997 or early 1998. Jetta published the detailed specsheet for this one as a word document that the Wayback Machine didn't save, so I only have the basic specs for this one. The Wayback Machine failed to capture any images of this laptop.


Spec Details
CPU - Intel Pentium @150 or 166
- Intel Pentium MMX @166
RAM Type: Unknown
Standard: Unknown
Maximum: 72MB
Hard Disk 2.5" IDE
Uses Proprietary Adapter?: Unknown
Standard: Unknown
Display Options - 11.3" Active Matrix LCD @800x600
- 12.1" Passive Matrix LCD @800x600
Graphics Chipset Unknown
VRAM: Unknown
Audio Unknown
Main Battery Unknown
CMOS Battery Unknown
Power Supply Unknown
Disk Drives Unknown
PC Cards Unknown
Networking Unknown
Other I/O Unknown
BIOS Unknown
Pointing Device Unknown

Page last updated (MM/DD/YYYY): 11/18/2024
Update Reason: page formatting updated


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