IBM ThinkPad 750 Series

IBM ThinkPad 750 Series

The ThinkPad 750 Series were a group of five 486-based laptops, comprised of the 750, 750CS, 750C, 750P, and the 750CE. All had 33MHz 486SL processors except for the 750CE, which had a 50MHz 486DX2.

The 750P is notable for including a convertible pen-touch display.

For whatever reason, I couldn't find much info on the 750CE besides the fact that it exists, and the specs had up. It's missing from IBM's PSREF. I think it was introduced later on, probably sometime in 1994. Thinkwiki claims this one had a removable LCD cover to allow it to serve as an overhead projector, like the 755CDV and a few others could, but another source disputes this.

Some models in this series were sold with a gray case in Germany due to regulation that existed at the time.


SpecThinkPad 750ThinkPad 750CSThinkPad 750CThinkPad 750PThinkPad 750CE
Release DateSeptember 1993November 1993September 1993 1994
CPUCPU Type: Soldered QFP
Intel 486SL @33MHz
CPU Type: Unknown
Intel 486DX2 @50MHz
Standard: 4 or 8MB
Maximum: 20MB
Standard: 8MB
Maximum: Unknown
Storage2.5" IDE
Requires Adapter: Yes
Standard: 170 or 340MB
2.5" IDE
Requires Adapter: Yes
Standard: 340, 540, or 810MB
Display Options9.5" Passive Matrix Grayscale @640x4809.5" Passive Matrix Color @640x48010.4" Active Matrix Color @640x4809.5" Passive Matrix Grayscale w/ Pen Touch Support @640x48010.4" Active Matrix Color @640x480
Graphics ChipsetWestern Digital WD90C24
AudioCrystal CS4248IBM Mwave
Main BatteryNiMH (Smart)
CMOS BatteryUnknown
Power SupplyProprietary 4-pin
Media DrivesUltrabay - 2.88MB Floppy DriveUltrabay - 1.44MB Floppy Drive
PC Cards2x PCMCIA Slots
Other I/O- 1x Parallel
- 1x Serial
- 1x VGA Out
- 1x PS/2
- 1x Dock Connector
- 1x Mic In
- 1x Line Out
- 1x Parallel
- 1x Serial
- 1x VGA Out
- 1x PS/2
- 1x Dock Connector
- 1x Mic In
- 1x Line Out
- Infrared
BIOSIBM with Easy Setup
Pointing DeviceTrackPoint


Service Manual

Withdrawn Models PSREF

Common Faults & Maintenance

Rubber Coating

The case of the 750 Series ThinkPads is coated in a rubber finish. This finish goes bad with age on probably 95%+ of these laptops at this point, and turns sticky. The coating can be removed with some work to solve this problem.

Bad Capacitors

The 750 Series ThinkPads suffer from electrolytic capacitor failure and leaks in the display (on at least the 750C) and I think also within the motherboard. If you get one of these, I'd highly recommend a full disassembly and recap.

Other Notes

The plastic on these can get quite brittle with age. I don't think hinge failure is common, but be careful.

The LCD on any of the models in this series can develop Vinegar Syndrome.

I've also seen one 750C screen develop Tunnel Vision, a failure usually only experienced on Active Matrix Monochrome and Grayscale LCDs manufactured by Hosiden. The 750C LCD was manufactured by Hosiden, but I've never seen reports of tunnel vision on any other color LCD.


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