IBM ThinkPad 360 Series

IBM ThinkPad 360 Series

The ThinkPad 360 Series were a group of 486-based consumer laptops that were mostly released in 1994. They were based on a cost-reduced version of the ThinkPad 750 Series chassis.


SpecThinkPad 360ThinkPad 360CSThinkPad 360CThinkPad 360PThinkPad 360CSEThinkPad 360CEThinkPad 360PE
Release DateMay 1994June 1994October 1994April 1995
CPUCPU Type: Soldered QFP
Intel 486SX @33MHz
CPU Type: Soldered QFP
Intel 486DX2 @50MHz
Standard: 4MB
Maximum: 20MB
Storage2.5" IDE
Requires Adapter: Yes
Standard: 170 or 340MB
2.5" IDE
Requires Adapter: Yes
Standard: 170, 340, or 540MB
2.5" IDE
Requires Adapter: Yes
Standard: 340 or 540MB
Display Options9.5" Passive Matrix Grayscale @640x4809.5" Passive Matrix Color @640x4808.4" Active Matrix Color @640x4809.5" Passive Matrix Color @640x480 w/ pen touch9.5" Passive Matrix Color @640x4808.4" Active Matrix Color @640x4809.5" Passive Matrix Color @640x480 w/ pen touch
Graphics ChipsetWestern Digital WD90C24A2
Western Digital WD90C24A or A2
AudioPC Speaker
Main BatteryNiMH
CMOS Battery- Proprietary Lithium CMOS Battery
- 3-cell NiCad Reserve Battery
Power SupplyProprietary 4-pin
Media DrivesUltrabay - 3.5" 1.44MB Floppy Drive standard
PC Cards2x PCMCIA Slots
Other I/O- 1x Parallel
- 1x Serial
- 1x VGA Out
- 1x PS/2
- 1x Dock Connector
BIOSIBM BIOS w/ Easy Setup
Pointing DeviceTrackPoint


Service Manual

Withdrawn Models PSREF

Common Faults & Maintenance

Battery leaks

The main battery and the NiCad reserve battery in the 360 series are prone to leaking. Remove the reserve battery, and keep a close watch over the main battery.

Bad Capacitors

These are getting to the age when you see bad capacitors. I'd recommend replacing any surface mounted electrolytic caps in these.

Other Notes

The plastic on these can get quite brittle with age. I don't think hinge failure is common, but be careful.

The LCD on any of the models in this series can develop Vinegar Syndrome.


Photos of a 360CE from solidpro.

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