IBM ThinkPad 340/340CSE

IBM ThinkPad 340 and 340CSE

The ThinkPad 340 and 340CSE are 486-based subnotebooks that were released in 1995. I believe these models were exclusive to Japan.


SpecThinkPad 340ThinkPad 340CSE
Release Date 1995
CPUCPU Type: Unknown
IBM 486SLC2 @50MHz
RAMType: Unknown
Standard: 4MB
Maximum: 12MB
Storage2.5" IDE
Requires Adapter: Unknown
Standard: Unknown
2.5" IDE
Requires Adapter: Unknown
Standard: 200MB
Display Options9.4" Passive Matrix Grayscale @640x4809.4" Passive Matrix Color @640x480
Graphics ChipsetUnknown
AudioPC Speaker
Main BatteryNiMH
CMOS BatteryUnknown
Power SupplyUnknown
Media Drives3.5" 1.44MB Floppy Drive
PC Cards1x PCMCIA Slot (Type III)
Other I/O- 1x Parallel
- 1x Serial
- 1x VGA Out
- 1x PS/2
BIOSIBM BIOS with Easy Setup
Pointing DeviceTrackPad

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