IBM ThinkPad 320

IBM ThinkPad 320

IBM Type Unknown

The ThinkPad 320 was a Japanese-exclusive model (one of many), and there is extremely little information on this one available on the English-speaking internet. I was able to track down a print ad with a photo on an archived Japanese website, but I don't even have a full spec-list at this time, just the basic info. If you own one of these and know more about it, please reach out via email:

These models have no TrackPoint.


Spec Details
CPU CPU Type: Soldered QFP
486SLC @25MHz
Chipset Unknown
RAM Type: Unknown
Standard: 2 or 6MB?
Maximum: 10MB?
Hard Disk Unknown
Uses proprietary adapter?: Unknown
Standard: 80 or 170MB
Display Options Passive Matrix Grayscale @640x480
Graphics Chipset Unknown
VRAM: Unknown
Audio PC Speaker
Main Battery Unknown
CMOS Battery Unknown
Power Supply Unknown
Disk Drives 3.5" 1.44MB Floppy Drive
Networking Unknown
Other I/O Unknown
BIOS IBM BIOS w/ Easy Setup
Pointing Device None


Page last updated (MM/DD/YYYY): 11/05/2024
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