Compaq LTE 8086

Compaq LTE 8086

The Compaq LTE (retroactively called the LTE 8086) is a 80C86-based laptop computer that was released in late 1989. It and the LTE 286, which released alongside it, were Compaq's first notebook computers.


Spec Details
CPU CPU Type: Soldered QFP
Intel 80C86 @9.55MHz
Chipset Unknown
RAM Type: Unknown
Standard: 640KB
Maximum: 2MB
Storage 2.5" IDE
Requires Adapter: Unknown
Standard: None or 20MB (Conner Peripherals)
Display Options 9.0" Passive Matrix Monochrome LCD @640x200
Graphics Chipset CGA
VRAM: Unknown
Audio PC Speaker
Main Battery NiCad
CMOS Battery Unknown
Power Supply Proprietary 4-pin
- Compaq Series 2692
Media Drives 3.5" 1.44MB Floppy Drive (Citizen U-Series, belt-drive)
PC Cards None
Networking Modem
Other I/O - 1x Parallel
- 1x Serial
- 1x CGA Out
- 1x External Storage Module Connector
- 1x External Numpad Connector
BIOS Compaq
Pointing Device None

Common Faults & Maintenance

These laptops are a real pain to repair. Dissassembly is tedious and difficult, and a lot breaks in these.

Firstly, the motherboard has several surface-mount electrolytic capacitors which fail and leak 100% of the time, causing trace damage if left long enough. These must be replaced. The proprietary power supply also commonly needs recapping.

All the original semi-proprietary Conner Peripherals hard drives in these will go bad due to a rubber bumper in the head mechanism becoming sticky. You can usually repair these drives by taking them apart and placing tape over the bumper.

The Citizen floppy drives in this laptop use a belt-driven spindle motor, which goes bad and breaks basically 100% of the time. The belt must thus be replaced. I believe there are also leaky capacitors inside this floppy drive.

Another note is that very early units used a defective type of plastic that is extremely brittle. This was a problem when they were new, and caused Compaq to produce new plastics using a different formula. These early plastics were shinier, and the "Power" and "Standby" labels were larger. The newer plastics seem to have been much more robust, as I've still yet to see one of these laptops with broken hinges.

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