MacDat News Archive

February 26th, 2025

This update introduces the Laptop Print Ad Database! Along with this comes a ton of new vintage laptop documentation.

January 21st, 2025

The Advanced Search page on the Laptop Portal is now live! This comes alongside a bunch of new laptop documentation, new Repair Portal resources, and more.

- 3lectr1c

December 21th, 2024

Massive content update for the Laptop Portal! New sections for Dual, HP, PC Brand, and Smart D&M. New documentation (and lots of it) in the Gateway, Nan Tan/Kapok/Clevo, Compal, Chicony, Mitac, IBM, Toshiba, MicronPC/MPC, Twinhead, Dell, Hyperdata, NEC, and FIC sections. Oh, and some new cap reference!

- 3lectr1c

November 18th, 2024

The Laptop Portal has been completely overhauled with a new PHP+SQL backend! This means that you can now search for laptops, compare any two laptops side by side, and in the future you'll be able to search by specifications too! See here for more details.

- 3lectr1c

November 6th, 2024

I don't have a new site update ready yet, but a big one is coming soon. My current estimate is that it will be ready to go by the end of this month. Could be earlier, could be later, but around then. Stay tuned.

- 3lectr1c

October 12th, 2024

A little bit (or a lot) of everything - New/improved Macintosh pages, new/improved cap reference, new/improved laptop pages and more. Plenty of new content to explore, and more to come soon.

- 3lectr1c

September 15th, 2024

Here's another large content update. MPC and Lenovo sections have been added to the laptop portal, along with new pages in the Compal, HyperData, Twinhead, Toshiba, Chicony, NEC, Compaq, Jetta, WinBook, Nan Tan/Kapok, Dell, and Zenith sections. I have also updated and improved many existing laptop pages. There are new schematics and capacitor reference pages in the Repair Portal, and some new content in the Macintosh Portal as well.

- 3lectr1c

August 17th, 2024

This update adds a whole bunch of new content to the Laptop Portal (new Twinhead section, new pages on Dell, Gateway, IBM, Alpha-Top, FIC, Nan Tan, and Compaq laptops), but also heavily updates existing pages in the sections for Dell, PowerBook, Compaq, WinBook, Jetta and more. This comes along with many minor updates throughout the site. MUCH more to come soon!

- 3lectr1c

July 13th, 2024

New Laptop Portal section on Zenith Data Systems, along with updates to the Dell section.

- 3lectr1c

June 23rd, 2024

Two new brands are now covered under the Laptop Portal: Compaq and Compal. In addition to this, the sections on Alpha-Top and Chicony have received new content. I also finally started work on the Power Macintosh section inside the Macintosh Portal.

- 3lectr1c

June 6th, 2024

Today's update includes more new Laptop Portal content. The Nan Tan page has been expanded to include Kapok laptops, along with Clevo soon. Beyond that "new" section, existing sections for CTX, NEC, WinBook, Dell, Toshiba, AST, and ECS have been expanded with new content.

- 3lectr1c

May 22th, 2024

Introducing the new Repair Portal! This section combines the Capacitor Reference Library, "Important Issues" section (now renamed to the knowledge base), and the Apple Service Source page all into one convenient place. Along with that, the Repair Portal contains an archive of all available Macintosh schematics. There were also a few new pages added to the laptop portal. More to come soon.

- 3lectr1c

May 9th, 2024

I've added a new universal navigation bar to every page, which should help make navigation easier. This update also includes more laptop portal content for the following brands: Nan Tan, Chicony, Alpha-Top, Sunrex/Hyperdata, MicronPC/MPC, WinBook, Dell, FIC, Ergo/Brick, IBM, and ECS. There is also now a dedicated section for Epson, and the "Green Laptops" page has been split into separate sections for Alpha-Top and ECS. I've also added new capacitor reference to the library. Whew!

- 3lectr1c

April 17th, 2024

Still hard at work on the Laptop Portal. 3 new brands have been added - Samsung, Chicony, and Ergo/Brick. Also, new pages and updates for the following brands: Apple, Jetta, HyperData, IBM, WinBook, NEC, and Dell.

- 3lectr1c

March 30th, 2024

Another new round of additions to the Laptop Portal. HyperData and MaxTech sections have been added. New pages were also added for the following brand sections: Dell, Toshiba, Alpha-Top, IBM, Jetta, Nan Tan, and Micron.

- 3lectr1c

March 12th, 2024

Laptop portal additions and updates for the following brands: Apple, NEC, IBM, Nan Tan, WinBook, Toshiba, Compaq, Alpha-Top, AST, Micron, CTX, FIC, and Veridata. Whew! I'm also getting back to updating Macintosh Portal pages to the new site styling, along with improving them as I go.

- 3lectr1c

February 29th, 2024

Today's leap day update includes a motherload of new documentation on Dell laptops, along with new or updated pages on laptops from Micron, Alpha-Top, AST, and Toshiba.

- 3lectr1c

February 15th, 2024

Lots of new cap reference photos added, various other things, and of course, laptop portal additions for the following brands: AST, FIC, Alpha-Top, CTX, Dell, and WinBook.

- 3lectr1c

January 29th, 2024

Laptop portal additions for the following brands: FIC, Alpha-Top, NEC, and AST, along with some other minor stuff.

- 3lectr1c

January 11th, 2024

The first site update of 2024! This one brings another boat-load of new content. Service Manuals for the vast majority of Apple products from the 68k and PPC era are now up on the Macintosh Portal. New PC pages added on IBM, AST, Apple and WinBook laptops. New section created for Micron laptops, and finally, various other changes and edits.

- 3lectr1c

December 24th, 2023

Another large round of new content & updates for the Laptop Portal. New sections for NEC and FIC, and updates to the CTX, Jetta, Nan Tan, WinBook, Green and AST sections. There's still a lot more to come though!

- 3lectr1c

December 9th, 2023

A bunch of new content has been added to the Laptop Portal. Documentation on Alpha-Top/ECS Green laptops, more WinBooks, CTX, AST, and models from misc. brands under the new "Other" page. See the site revision history for a full look at the changes.

- 3lectr1c

November 27th, 2023

Documentation on Nan Tan laptops added to the Laptop Portal, Mac II pages updated, other small stuff.

- 3lectr1c

November 15th, 2023

Several new pages on WinBook laptops, images added to existing ones, WinBook homepage updated to be fancier, some Mac II pages converted to the new site styling, collection page updates, other minor changes.

- 3lectr1c

November 1st, 2023

CTX laptop pages nearly finished - all except for one now have pages. Also, a (late) seasonal change to the site background.

- 3lectr1c

October 26th, 2023

New on MacDat: Dell and Jetta laptop pages have been greatly expanded. 14 new laptops now have pages on the site!

October 18th, 2023

New pages on the PowerBook 190/5300 Series, all Compact Mac pages updated to the new site styling, collection page updates, and more.

- 3lectr1c

September 22nd, 2023

Many PowerBook pages (and others) converted to the new site styling, and some were also updated along the way. New capacitor reference, various minor changes, and collection page updates.

The contribution page is now also live! (See right side of this page).

- 3lectr1c

August 15th, 2023

Many pages converted to the new styling guidelines, mostly collection and PowerBook pages. CTX Homepage and 800 Series pages added to the laptop portal, collection page updates and rewrites, and more.

July 30th, 2023

I'm going to be doing smaller batches of "Nighttime Updates" over the next little bit, this being the first. Not going to call them Nightly since they probably won't come every night.

To avoid spamming the news feed, Nighttime Update News will be tracked here.

Latest Nighttime Update: August 2st, 2023

- 3lectr1c

July 28th, 2023

Many pages updated to the new site styling, cap reference updates, other stuff.

- 3lectr1c

July 5th, 2023

Welcome to the new MacDat homepage! Obviously, a lot looks different from the way it was before. For more info, read this article.

- 3lectr1c

June 30th, 2023

New on MacDat: BIG Updates for the WinBook section of the site - many new pages, and an eBay archive! (Along with a couple other things).

- 3lectr1c

June 15th, 2023

New on MacDat: New page on laptop CMOS battery leaks, PowerBook Duo section created, collection page updates, and more!

- 3lectr1c

May 7th, 2023

New on MacDat: Yet more capacitor reference info and images, more pages on WinBook laptops, collection page updates and more!

- 3lectr1c

April 21st, 2023

New on MacDat: Another large update! Quadra/Centris section on the Macintosh Portal is finished, along with new PowerBook pages as well. The Cap Reference Library UI has been updated, it's now table-based and looks a lot nicer. I've also been pushing out smaller stuff, like new WinBook pages and cap reference updates in-between releases as well.

- 3lectr1c

April 4th, 2023

New on MacDat: Big updates! New home page, PC Portal is back with some changes, more cap reference info, and more WinBook pages!

- 3lectr1c

March 29th, 2023

New on MacDat: More various page updates, random stuff, and brand new resources on the WinBook SLC/SX DX Systems!

- 3lectr1c

January 31st, 2023

New on MacDat: Various page updates and random stuff.

- 3lectr1c

January 7th, 2023

New on MacDat: 5 new macs added to the cap reference library, multiple other page updates.

- 3lectr1c

December 31st, 2022

New on MacDat: 20 new PowerBooks and Portables have been added to the capacitor reference library!

- 3lectr1c

December 27th, 2022

More minor updates this time around. Preparing the PC Portal for relaunch, new footer/backnav, etc.

- 3lectr1c

November 13th, 2022

New on MacDat: 10 new Macs added to the Capacitor Reference Portal!

- 3lectr1c

September 4th, 2022

15 new pages added to the capacitor reference library!

- 3lectr1c

August 27th, 2022

New on MacDat: Many page updates, the capacitor reference library and more!

- 3lectr1c

July 2nd, 2022

New on MacDat: Big updates to the Important Issues section, new pages, and more!

- 3lectr1c

May 14th, 2022

New on MacDat: More pages, a CPU upgrade index, a ton of fixes, and additions to my Lounge section.

- 3lectr1c

April 15th, 2022

New site update: All basic PowerBook 100 series pages are now mostly finished!

- 3lectr1c

April 7th, 2022

I just pushed a big update to the site - all basic pages for the entire Macintosh LC lineup are now finished, along with some other changes!

Access the new pages through the Macintosh portal. For a full changelog report, see my Revision History under extras.

- 3lectr1c

April 4th, 2022

MacDat was updated this day, but the news wasn't. Updates from this day included updates to the page on SCSI SSDs, Mac LC info, and various fixes.

April 1st, 2022

Today, MacDat was launched on a domain for the first time! The site is still in a very early period of developement, and just about everything is unfinished as of right now. More to come soon!

For some more info on the launch, check this page out.

- 3lectr1c

February 24th, 2022 (68kMLA Release Copy 3.0)

Welcome to the 3rd official 68kMLA release copy of MacDat! Please report any issues, bugs, or false information on the forum thread you obtained this copy from.

February 7th, 2022 (68kMLA Release Copy 2.0)

Welcome to the 2nd official 68kMLA Release Copy of MacDat! Please leave any feedback in a reply to the forum thread where you got this copy from.

February 3rd, 2022 (68kMLA Release Copy 1.0)

Welcome to the official MacDat 68kMLA Release Copy! This copy of the site includes the Macintosh and PC Portals, along with a few other things as well.

Please report any feedback in a reply to the forum thread you got this copy from. It is all much appreciated!

Page last updated (MM/DD/YYYY): 12/21/2024
Update Reason: made up to date


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