I bought this laptop working, but when I took it apart, I found the varta barrel battery it had inside had leaked pretty badly. Unfortunately, after removing it and cleaning the board, it no longer powered on. I traced the issue to a connector that had bad solder joints as a result of corrosion, but every repair attempt I tried only made it worse. I just need a donor board.
The display hinge mounts also blew out at some point in this process.
Release Year | 1998 |
CPU | AMD K6-2 @300MHz |
RAM | None installed currently |
Primary Storage | 4GB Fujitsu |
Display | 12.1" Active Matrix Color LCD @800x600 |
Graphics | NeoMagic MagicGraph 128XD |
Sound Chip | Crystal CS4237B |
OS | It had Windows 98 |
Battery | Duracell standard NiMH (dead) |
CMOS Battery | Removed |
Power Supply | Aftermarket/generic |
Capacitors | Original |
Issues | Does not power on due to corrosion damage |
Where I got it | VCF East Swap Meet |
When I got it | June 10th, 2023 |
Price Paid | $20 |
For specific general specifications on this model of laptop, see it's page on the laptop portal.
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