Macintosh LC III

Release Year 1993
CPU Motorola 68030 @25MHz
Hard Disk 80MB IBM
HDD Speed Unknown
HDD Type 3.5", SCSI
Display N/A
GPU Logic Board Video
VRAM Unknown
OS System 7.5.5
Battery N/A
CMOS Battery 1/2AA Lithium, None installed
Power Supply OEM Internal Astec Supply
Expansion Card Type 1x LC PDS
Expansion Cards Installed None
Capacitors Logic Board recapped, PSU pending
Issues It occasionally won't chime/post at all. Usually after it's been running for a while already and I shut it off and then start it again.
Maintainance Done Since Acquisition LB Recap
Where I got it Friend of mine
When I got it November 11th, 2023
Price Paid Free (technically not though, traded an iPod and a DSi for it)

Page last updated (MM/DD/YYYY): 11/13/2023
Update Reason: page created


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